Remote Control from your Smartphone
Both the Medtrum Nano and DANA-i insulin pumps are designed for secure and reliable remote control from a users smartphone.
Easy and secure remote control with a smartphone app means that you never have to interact with your pump directly in between refills!
This also makes them an ideal choice for closed-loop therapy, where insulin delivery is automated by an algorithm using CGM data in real-time to reduce instances of hypoglycemia and increase time in range.
EasyPatch App for Medtrum Nano:
Pump users have the option to control their tubeless insulin pump using their Smartphone
No separate handset (PDM) needs to be carried to operate the Medtrum pump, providing more freedom and convenience to discreetly bolus using your phone
- Less to carry for more convenience
- Easy to use with simple, intuitive interface
- Automatic data upload for Real-Time sharing with unlimited followers and healthcare professionals
The EasyPatch App (for Medtrum Nano) can be downloaded from the Google Play Store on for Android phones or Apple App Store for Apple iPhones.
*EasyPatch app is depicted connected to a Medtrum CGM which is currently not offered in New Zealand.

AnyDANA App for DANA Insulin Pumps:
Clear Interface - Fresh new interface is easy and clear to operate.
Security - App is secured by fingerprint or password. All pump communication is carried out over a bluetooth connection with highly secure rolling encryption.
Convenient Bolus Delivery - Users can deliver bolus insulin conveniently and easily right from the app.
Smart Calculator - The AnyDana app allows users to access the pump bolus calculator within their DANA insulin pump. The bolus Calculator recommends a calculated insulin dose based on pre-set parameters for Target BG, CF, CIR and DIA.
Reminders - The AnyDana app reminds users when a pump refill or battery change is recommended.
History Review - Users can easily and conveniently access all of their DANA insulin pump history. Including Basal, Bolus, TDD, Carbohydrate and BG data.
Change Pump Settings - The AnyDana app provides the easy access to pump settings, such as time format (24h / 12h with AM/PM), glucose units (mg/dL or mmol/L), and alarm options (vibration, sound, or both).
- Endorsed by the German Foundation for the Blind and Partially Sighted as suitable for Visually Impaired Users.
The AnyDANA (for DANA-i) smartphone app can be downloaded from the Google Play Store on for Android phones or Apple App Store for Apple iPhones.